Stop your fabrics bleeding dye!
Retayne is a colour fixative for commercially dyed cotton, linen & rayon fabrics.
For best results, treat your chosen fabric with Retayne before washing it for the first time or placing it in your quilt / project.
**Not for energy efficient Top & Front Loading Washing Machines. If you have one of those machines, treat your fabric by hand.**
Use 140F / 60C water to cover fabric and have it move freely in a pot or bucket. Add 1 teaspoon of Retayne for each yard of fabric. Add dry fabric and stir regularly for 20 minutes. Use cool water to rinse the fabric and dry at once.
After fabric has been treated with Retayne, subsequent washes should use cool water. Do not wash with hot water.
Follow the same steps above, setting the water level appropriately in your machine and usine a 20 minute wash.
Brand: G & K Craft Industries Ltd